What You Don’t Know About Family Meals
This was a guest blog written for a friend over at Penniless Parenting. Hi! Let’s chat about family meals. They are good. Tons of benefits. All the good stuff. To contrast, eating Red Vines alone, while hiding in the pantry is not good. For starters, Twizzlers are...
ADHD + Nutrition
Is this blog for adults or for kids? Yes. Snack Time. But first… I’m going to start writing this article, but first I need a snack. And if I go get a snack, I might see that there is a little bit of laundry that needs to be done. And just a few dishes. But then I’ll...
Sparlik: The Ultimate Condiment
Sparlik is the ultimate condiment. You can spread it on a sandwich, add it to soup, or just spread it on crusty bread or a cracker. It originated as a challah dip--a delicious spread added to the Shabbat table to ensure even more en-JOY-ment at the meal. While I...
Celebrating Successes in Feeding–More Often!
"It's not working! He isn't eating!" Let's talk about what "working" means. Kay Toomey, pediatric psychologist and founder of the SOS Approach to Feeding (with which I have a love-hate relationship*), created the 32 Steps to Eating. While I can't share that...
Nutrition Label-Reading for Kids: a how-to guide for discussing nutrition with kids
Should I teach my kids how to read a nutrition label? No... But if they ask questions, here is how to be best prepared. Teaching nutrition to kids is not as easy as we often think. Kids are little sponges. They hear and understand so much more than we give them credit...
The Healthiest Food in the World
In a recent interview, I was asked, “What is your favorite healthy food?” I laughed and responded, “Wedding cake!” Silence on the other end of the call.It’s not expected that a registered dietitian will list cake among the healthiest foods, but that is because...
Got A Picky Eater?
Do you have a picky eater? First, don’t call them picky (yes, I know I started it). Try something softer: He is still learning about foods She is cautious around food He is selective at meals Labeling a child with something negative will only lead to a bigger problem....
Borscht… or Borshch… or Holodnik
I was recently asked about my favorite cool treat for summer. It's borscht. Or borschch. Or maybe I'll just get specific and call it holodnik. And guess what? I'm going to show pity on you, the hopeful cook, and put the recipe right up front. Yes, there will be no...
Eating Your Emotions? But is it really a problem?
Written with Gila Glassberg, MS, RDN, CDN Are you feeling... Just a little burnt out? You picked up dry cleaning for a home-bound friend. You made dinner for another friend who just had a baby. You donated to the school fundraiser. You baked the cakes for the shul...
Why to Pass on Food Rules in Class
It’s back to school time! And what a back-to-school it’s been, here in 2021. Some kids were in school last year, some were in-schooled, out-schooled, home-schooled, virtual-schooled. You name it, it’s represented in these classrooms. But one thing has stayed the...
Eat the Rainbow… But How?
I often give the advice, “Variety in diet leads to variety in nutrition.” It makes sense: Each food has a unique nutritional composition, so consuming a variety of foods naturally leads to improved health. Eating different colors and textures, and enjoying different...
Guide to Division of Responsibility (Satter)
Division of Responsibility is the basis of a positive feeding relationship with your child. This handout provides the basics, a bit about establishing boundaries, and an explanation about the overlap with Intuitive Eating. For more information, a good place to start...